1. Cool Off With A Refreshing Summer Pudding Recipe With Cassis 2. Indulge In The Sweetness Of Cassis With This Summer Pudding Recipe 3. A Burst Of Summer Flavors: Cassis Summer Pudding Recipe 4. Experience The Best Of

Summer Pudding Recipe with Cassis: A Perfect Dessert for the Season


Summer is the perfect time to indulge in light and refreshing desserts that are easy to make and packed with flavors. One such dessert is the summer pudding recipe with cassis, a classic British dessert that is loved for its simplicity and deliciousness. This dessert is made with fresh berries, bread, and cassis, a blackcurrant liqueur that adds a fruity and tangy flavor to the dish. In this article, we will share a step-by-step recipe for making this delightful summer pudding that will surely impress your guests.


To make a summer pudding recipe with cassis, you will need the following ingredients:

Easy summer pudding
Easy summer pudding

400g mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries)
100g caster sugar
8 slices of white bread, crusts removed
5 tbsp cassis
Whipped cream, to serve (optional)


Follow these simple steps to make a summer pudding recipe with cassis:

Wash and hull the berries and place them in a large mixing bowl.
Add the caster sugar and mix well. Let the berries sit for 10 minutes until they release their juice.
Meanwhile, line a pudding basin with cling film, leaving enough overhang to cover the top of the pudding later.
Cut each slice of bread into a circle that fits snugly into the bottom of the pudding basin.
Dip each bread circle into the berry juice until it is soaked through, then use it to line the bottom of the pudding basin.
Repeat the process, using the bread to line the sides of the pudding basin until the entire basin is covered with bread.
Reserve some of the berry juice and add the cassis to it.
Pour the rest of the berry mixture into the bread-lined pudding basin, making sure to press down the berries to fill any gaps.
Pour the cassis mixture over the top of the berry mixture, making sure it is evenly distributed.
Cover the top of the pudding with more soaked bread, making sure to press down the bread to create a tight seal.
Wrap the overhanging cling film over the top of the pudding and place a weight on top (such as a plate or a can) to compress the pudding.
Chill the pudding in the fridge overnight.
To serve, unwrap the cling film and invert the pudding onto a serving plate.
Garnish with extra berries and whipped cream, if desired.


Here are some tips to help you make the perfect summer pudding recipe with cassis:

Use a mix of fresh, ripe berries for the best flavor.
Make sure to remove the crusts from the bread slices to ensure a smooth texture.
Press down the bread firmly into the pudding basin to prevent any gaps.
Use a weight to compress the pudding and allow the flavors to meld together.


If you want to switch things up, here are some variations of the summer pudding recipe with cassis:

Use different types of bread, such as brioche or sourdough, for a unique flavor.
Add a splash of lemon juice to the berry mixture for a tangy twist.
Replace the cassis with another liqueur, such as Chambord or Grand Marnier.
Try using different fruits, such as peaches, plums, or cherries.


The summer pudding recipe with cassis is a delightful dessert that is perfect for any occasion. This simple yet flavorful dessert is easy to make and requires minimal effort, making it a great choice for busy summer days. Whether you serve it with whipped cream or on its own, this pudding is sure to impress your guests with its light and fruity flavors. So why not give it a try and see how delicious it can be?

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